I had the privilege of joining the Romford Embroiderers in a one-day passementerie workshop with the amazing Elizabeth Ashdown.
The French term Passementerie covers a huge range of furnishing embellishments including tassels, fringes, trimmings and hand-turned cords. Libby is one of only four commercial Passementieres practicing in the UK today, and her new book "Passementerie; Handcrafting Contemporary Trimmings, Fringes, Tassels and More", covers how to create beautiful items with this endangered craft.

Our 5-hour workshop concentrated on loom weaving a Scallop Picot braid, followed by a Mirrored Crete braid, using wool and hand-turned cords.

Libby is a wonderful tutor, and her workshops sell out quickly. Whenever you get the chance - book into one! More information on her website below
